Showing 1–36 of 42 results


Infusió de Canyella amb Flors i Herbes aromàtiques

L’envàs presenta l'obra "Naixement". Escola catalana, c. 1500-1550 de la col·lecció del Museu d'Art de Girona. Ingredients: canyella, camamilla, anís verd i flor de taronger.

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Museu d'Art de Girona


Martirologi d’Usuard

Infusió d'Hibisc amb Herbes aromàtiques i Flors

L’envàs presenta el "Martirologi d'Usuard". S. XV de la col·lecció del Museu d'Art de Girona. Ingredients: hibisc, marialluïsa i pètals i poncelles de roses.

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Museu d'Art de Girona


L’Onyar a Girona. Mela Muter

Infusió de Citronel·la amb Herbes aromàtiques i flors

L’envàs presenta l'obra "L'Onyar a Girona" de Mela Muter, (1876-1967) de la col·lecció del Museu d'Art de Girona. Ingredients: citronel·la, poliol, tarongina i pètals de gira-sol.

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Museu d'Art de Girona


Biga de Cruïlles

Infusió de Gingebre amb Herbes aromàtiques i flors

L’envàs presenta la "Biga de Cruïlles". Romànic. Originària del Monestir de Sant Miquel de Cruïlles de la col·lecció del Museu d'Art de Girona. Ingredients: gingebre, farigola, sàlvia i malva.

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Museu d'Art de Girona


Retaule de Sant Miquel de Cruïlles. Lluís Borrassà

Infusió de te de Roca amb Espècies i Herbes aromàtiques

L’envàs presenta l'obra "Retaule de Sant Miquel de Cruïlles" de Lluís Borrassà (c. 1360-1424) de la col·lecció del Museu d'Art de Girona. Ingredients: te de roca, gingebre, llavors de coriandre i menta.

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Museu d'Art de Girona


Girona IV. Santiago Rusiñol

Infusió d'Espígol amb Herbes aromàtiques i flors

L’envàs presenta l'obra "Girona IV", de Santiago Rusiñol (1861-1931) de la col·lecció del Museu d'Art de Girona. Ingredients: espígol, passiflora, tarongina i blavet.

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Museu d'Art de Girona


Nit de lluna a Girona. Prudenci Bertrana

Infusió d'Espígol amb Herbes aromàtiques i flors

L’envàs presenta l'obra "Nit de lluna a Girona", de Prudenci Bertrana (1867-1941) de la col·lecció del Museu d'Art de Girona. Ingredients: espígol, passiflora, tarongina i blavet.

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Museu d'Art de Girona


Pennyroyal Mint Bio. Digestive respiratory and vascular. Certified ecological farming.


Ingredients: mentha pulegium and mentha piperita.

Digestive respiratoy and vascular infusion. The mints are digestive, promote the bile secretion and are beneficial for the respiratory and circulatory systems. Also have properties to the respiratory system by decongesting their tracts. It relieves some migraines derived from bad blood circulation, it helps in difficult menstruations. It is stimulant and toning without altering the central nervous system. Unit sale 40g

Bio Citro Detox. Diuretic digestive and antioxidant. Certified ecological farming


Ingredients: horsetail, hibiscus and elderberry.

Diuretic, digestive and antioxidant infusion. The horsetail is diuretic and remineralizing. Is also a remedy for liquid retention problems, excellent depurative and is useful in bone recoveries. The hibiscus is a powerful antioxidant, useful for the respiratory system, relieving bronchitis symptoms, it protects the gastric mucosa, helps to improve the blood flow and hypertension. The elder flower is a remedy for respiratory system diseases: colds, bronchitis... a good diuretic and helps to eliminate uric acid. Unit sale 40g

Bio Dolç Detox. Digestive respiratory and antioxidant. Certified organic farming.


Ingredients: green tea of the bancha type, cinnamon of sri lanka, licorice and mint. (In case of hypertension, excessive consumption of licorice should be avoided).

Digestive respiratory and antioxidant infusion from certified ecological farming. The green tea is a powerful antioxidant, it´s considered an obstacle to the diseases formation related with the aging and the cells oxidation. The cinnamon is a potent digestive. It has antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and it is expectorant, therefore, it is beneficial to the respiratory system. It promotes blood circulation, besides, it has estrogenic properties. The licorice, acts on the digestive tract as an anti-inflammatory and antiacid. It performs a hepatoprotective function. Moreover, it is optimal for the respiratory system due to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. The main properties of the mints are the digestive. They are also recognized by their properties to the respiratory system, decongesting tract of this. It is stimulating and tonning without altering the central nervous system. Unit sale 60g

Bio Revital Detox

Ingredients: echinacea, pennyroyal, thyme and calendula petals. Unit sale 50g

Rooibos Bio

Ingredients: 100% Aspalathus linearis, from organic farming. From: South-Àfrica. Unit sale 80g.

Chay Ayurveda Bio. Digestive respiratory and cardiovascular. Certified ecological farming.


Ingredients: cinnamon, black pepper, ginger, clove and cardamom. CCPAE certificate.

Digestive respiratory and cardiovascular infusion. Cinnamon acts on the digestive and respiratory systems. It makes thrombi difficult and helps regulate menstruation.Black pepper is digestive, useful for the respiratory system and for hypertension. Ginger is digestive and antibacterial. It is useful for the respiratory system as a preventative for colds, colds, fever. The clove is digestive and respiratory in addition to having analgesic and antiseptic properties. Cardamom is digestive, stimulating the nervous system and antioxidant. Unit sale 80g.

Fresca de bosc. Antioxidant digestive and stimulant


Ingredients: Hibiscus, mint, roasted apple pieces, rosehip, cherries, aroma, pineapple, lyophilized strawberry slices and lyophilized raspberries.

Antioxidant, digestive and stimulant infusion. The hibiscus is a powerful antioxidant. Is very useful to the respiratory system, also helps to improve the blood flow and the hypertension. The main properties of the mints are digestive. Also are recognized their respiratory properties. Mints relief some migraines. The rosehip is very rich in vitamin C and a powerful antioxidant, in addition, is beneficial for the immune system. It Helps preventing colds. Its name in popular Catalan “tapacul”, is due to the astringent virtues of this fruit, which slow down diarrhea. Unit sale 80g.

Rock Tea Bio


Ingredients: 100% Glutinosa jasonia (rock tea), from organic farming.
Unit sale 40g.

Liquorice Bio

Ingredients: 100% Glycyrrhiza glabra (liquorice or licorice), from organic farming. (In case of hypertension, excessive consumption of liquorice should be avoided). Unit sale 80g.

Pennyroyal Bio

Ingredients: 100% Mentha pulegium (pennyroyal), from organic farming. Unit sale 40g.

Hibiscus Bio

Ingredients: 100% Hibiscus sabdariffa (hibiscus), from organic farming. Unit sale 60g.

Verbena Bio

Ingredients: 100% Lippia citriodora (verbena), from organic farming. Unit sale 30g.

Peppermint Bio

Ingredients: 100% Mentha sativa (mint or peppermint), from organic farming. Unit sale 30g.

Chamomile Bio. Digestive hepatic and relaxing. Certified organic farming

Ingredients: 100% Matricaria chamomile (chamomile), from organic farming. Unit sale 30g.

Citronella Bio


Ingredients: 100% Cymbopogon citratus (citronella), from organic farming.
Unit sale 40g.

La Serena Bio. Relaxing respiratory and digestive. Certified ecological farming.


Ingredients: Linden, orange blossom, mint leaves and lemon balm. CCPAE certificate.

Relaxing respiratory and digestive infusion. The linden has traditionally been used to relief the stress or anxiety sensations. Important sleeping properties. The linden is highly beneficial for the respiratory system being useful in cases of colds or bronchitis. The nervous system is the most benefited by the orange blossom, which has hypnotic and anxiolytic properties and fights insomnia, it strengthens the immune system and relieves menstrual pain. The mints are digestive, they help to expel gases from the intestine. They are beneficial for the respiratory system and improve blood flow. Mints are stimulant and toning without altering the central nervous system. Unit sale 25g.

La Muntanya Bio. Digestive relaxing and respiratory. Certified organic farming

Ingredients: Orange peel, fennel, green anise, lemon balm, rosemary, sage and elder. From organic farming. Unit sale 80g.

La Mitja Lluna Bio

Ingredients: Sage, cinnamon, pods and seeds of cardamom. From organic farming. Unit sale 60g.

La Gebrada Bio

Ingredients: Citronella, liquorice (In case of hypertension, excessive consumption of liquorice must be avoided), ginger, lemon peel, black pepper and mint. From organic farming. Unit sale 80g.