Visit the Catalan Romanesque work “Apse of Saint Climent de Taüll” of Master of Taüll, in the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya.
© Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (2019)
edició: © Laieproduccions
Ingredients: Cinnamon, rock tea, thyme and mint.
Aromatic argument
Through the sweetness and aromatic intensity of the cinnamon, one can feel the joy of the Pantocrator contemporaries, when contemplating the chromaticism in the interior of the church. The balsamic character of the ingredients it places to a place and a time where the parfume of incense accentuates the fantastic and the terrible of the orator’s speech. The hardness of the environment where rock tea grows, vertical walls and cracks in the rocks, as a symbol of the life Pantocrator contemporaries. The sacred nature of divinity and its ethereal character is given by thyme, which was formerly burned inside of the rooms to purify them. The mint, sweet and cold, disposes us in front of the Majesty to be blessed and justly judged.
See other teas and infusions inspired in art works of the Museu nacional d’Art de Catalunya.
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