Originally from Australia, there are approximately 600 species of eucalyptus. The tree wood is used, the honey of some species (Eucalyptus melliodora) and its appreciated for the medicinal virtues. The ancient Egyptians used thyme (Thymus vulgaris) mixed with other ingredients to embalm the dead. In ancient Greece it was used as a perfume during baths and burned as incense in their temples. During the Middle Ages, it was put under the sleeping cushions to protect from nightmares. Lemon peel used in cooking, cosmetics, pharmacological elaborations… Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a native plant of India the rhizome is used for its culinary and medicinal virtues.
The eucalyptus makes the first aromatic entrance, followed by ginger. The thyme contributes with them both to obtain a first fresh, balsamic and sweet sensation that is followed by the spicy point of the ginger and the light touch of lemon peel. Eucalyptus persists in the mouth.
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