Street in Nassau, ca. 1877-1880. Albert Bierstadt. North American painting, XIX Century


Blue or oolong tea with green tea and flowers.

The packaging presents the picture of Albert Bierstadt "Street in Nassau", ca. 1877-1880. Ingredients: Oolong tea and green tea, aroma, roses (Damask Rose) and Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile).  

The dressmaker in Les Champs Elysées, n.d. Jean Béraud. Belle Èpoque


Infusion of black tea with spices.

The packaging presents the Belle Époque masterpiece “The dressmaker in Les Champs Elysées”,s.d. of Jean Béraud. Ingredients: Black tea, vanilla, anise, cardamom, ginger,black pepper, cinnamon,fennel, clove and chicory.  

Tita, Los Ángeles, 1980. Mercedes Lasarte


Hibiscus infusion with peppermint and fruits.

The packaging presents the work of the Argentinian painter Mercedes Lasarte, “Tita, Los Ángeles”, 1980.

Ingredients: Hibiscus, peppermint, roasted apple pieces, rose hip, cherries, aroma, pineapple (pineapple, sugar, citric acid), raisins (raisins, sunflower oil), lyophilized strawberry slices and lyophilized raspberries.


Towpath near Overschie, 1865. Johan Barthold Jongkind. Impressionism


Infusion of yellow tea with pennyroyal and mint.

The packaging presents the picture by Johann Barthold Jongkind "Towpath near Overschie", from 1865. Ingredients: Yellow tea, pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) and mint (Mentha sativa).