Showing 1–9 of 22 results

Pu-erh Natural Bio

Ingredients: 100% red tea or pu-erh, from organic farming. From: Yunnan, China. Unit sale 80g.

Fresca de bosc. Antioxidant digestive and stimulant


Ingredients: Hibiscus, mint, roasted apple pieces, rosehip, cherries, aroma, pineapple, lyophilized strawberry slices and lyophilized raspberries.

Antioxidant, digestive and stimulant infusion. The hibiscus is a powerful antioxidant. Is very useful to the respiratory system, also helps to improve the blood flow and the hypertension. The main properties of the mints are digestive. Also are recognized their respiratory properties. Mints relief some migraines. The rosehip is very rich in vitamin C and a powerful antioxidant, in addition, is beneficial for the immune system. It Helps preventing colds. Its name in popular Catalan “tapacul”, is due to the astringent virtues of this fruit, which slow down diarrhea. Unit sale 80g.

Baihao Yinzhen Bio. Antioxidant and vitamin C. Certified organic farming

Ingredients: 100% White tea, from organic farming. From: China. Unit sale 40g.

Bio Citro Detox. Diuretic digestive and antioxidant. Certified ecological farming


Ingredients: horsetail, hibiscus and elderberry.

Diuretic, digestive and antioxidant infusion. The horsetail is diuretic and remineralizing. Is also a remedy for liquid retention problems, excellent depurative and is useful in bone recoveries. The hibiscus is a powerful antioxidant, useful for the respiratory system, relieving bronchitis symptoms, it protects the gastric mucosa, helps to improve the blood flow and hypertension. The elder flower is a remedy for respiratory system diseases: colds, bronchitis... a good diuretic and helps to eliminate uric acid. Unit sale 40g

Matcha Genmaicha

Ingredients: Green tea powder (Matcha), green tea (Sencha) and toasted rice. From: Japan. Unit sale 80g.

English Breakfast Bio

Ingredients: 100% black tea, from organic farming. From: China-India. Unit sale 80g.

Bukhial BOP

Ingredients: 100% black tea. From: India-Assam. Unit sale 80g.

Gunpowder Bio

Ingredients: 100% Green tea, from organic farming. From: China. Unit sale 80g.

Genmaicha Bio

Ingredients: 100% Green tea and toasted rice, from organic farming. From: Japan. Unit sale 80g.