Immune relaxing and digestive infusion elaborated with linden, Echinacea, verbena, lemongrass and mallow, from certified ecological farming.
Aromatic properties of the formula
The linden has been traditionally used to solve nervous problems, but, it is also very beneficial for the respiratory system. It has important sleeping properties that are also beneficial for kids when they feel anguished. Besides, it relieves stress or anxiety. In the other hand, the lime blossom is highly beneficial for the respiratory system being very useful in colds, flu or bronchitis. Moreover, it can avoid or relief spasms caused by asthma attacks. It has analgesic, antiviral and antibacterial properties, resulting a great natural antibiotic.
The main virtue of the Echinacea is stimulate the immune system, for this reason is considered one of the best natural antibiotic. Thanks to the previous appointness properties, the plant is also beneficial to the respiratory system, both to cure and to prevent the flu, colds, pharyngitis, bronchitis, sinusitis. Taking advantage of the same qualities, it is indicated to trate infection diseases, herpes, urinary tract diseases, of the ear… Besides, it also favors digestive system.
The verbena aids digestion and avoids the intestinal pain, exerts on the stomach a toning and relaxing task. This plant relieves heartburn and is very useful to expel gases, is carminative. It´s beneficial for the respiratory tracts, expectorant, avoids cough, bronchitis.
The lemon grass has a positive effect on the digestive system, is carminative (expel gas). This plant is fungistatic, antiseptic and bactericide.
The mallow is a good anti-inflammatory. It acts on the respiratory system due to its emollient virtues, softening the respiratory mucosa and reducing inflammation. This plant is used for the throat pain, colds, dry cough. Its mucilage content contributes to relief the stomach irritation and constipation.
Etymology of the main ingredients
LINDEN, “Tilia platyphyllos”. “Tilia” means “wing” in ancient Greek “ptilon”. Due to few leaves close to the flower. “platyphylos” Latin adjective that means wide leaf.
ECHINACEA,”Echinacea angustifolia”. “Echinacea” from the Greek “Echino” that means “spiny”. “Angustifolia” Latin adjective that means “narrow leaf”.
VERBENA, “Aloysia citrodora” “Aloysia” in honor Maria Luisa of Parma, wife of Charles IV. Citrodora because of its citrus aroma.
LEMON GRASS, “Cymbopogon citratus”. “Cymbopogon”, name that comes from Greek “kumbe” that means “ship”; “pogon” means “beard”, referring to the many thorns and spades similar to a ship. “Citratus” Latin epithet that means “with lemon aroma”.
MALLOW, “Malva sylvestris”, “Malva” word used in ancient Rome to refer to several mallow types, principally the common “silvestris” Latin epithet that means wild.
See other l’infús creations from certified ecological farming, immune relaxing and digestive type.
Aromatic note
Sweet, soft and delicate entry, but, noticeable floral aroma wrapped by citrus notes.
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